re-usable plastic

2019 predictions: Make your business stand out with these 3 promotional product trends.

By |2024-09-03T12:02:38+00:00January 25th, 2019|Merchandise|

While the first few weeks after Christmas can seem pretty barren and dull for many people as things slowly get back to normal after the festive season, in the world of promotional products things start to hot up with the annual PSI event. Known as the leading European trade show of the Promotional Product Industry, [...]

Don’t dispose; buy re-use!

By |2024-09-03T12:26:15+00:00September 13th, 2018|Affinity News, Industry News, Merchandise|

More and more we're seeing the dreadful impact of plastics on our environment.  We only have to look at the recent David Attenborough Blue Planet series which highlighted the dreadful consequences of disposing on non-disposable waste and specifically single use plastic. 2015 plastic carrier bag charge From October 2015, our Government stipulated that large [...]

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